Monday, February 14, 2011

☻☻☻ mY drEam, mY fUturE ☻☻☻

How do you Know what is going to happen to you tomorrow?For the length of your lives is an uncertain as the morning fog-now you see it, soon it is gone.(James 4:13)
My dream is to be an elementary teacher.I want this profession because it is the noblest profession for me.I want this profession because I want to follow my father.To be successful is to have a study habit,daily schedule,good health,"life program" of what you expect to be,above all,willingness to work hard.From childhood till old age,have worked,worked and work systematically.The formula to be successful:clean life equals successful living.For me this will be the cure of my problems.I believe that nothing is impossible to the man who can will.
I will do all the good that I can,by all the means I can,in all the ways I can,in all the places I can,at all the times I can, to all the the people I can, as long as I ever I can.

Change: "It Start With Me"

Change is a word which means to make or become different,arrive at a fresh phase or become new.We do not guess today the mood, the pleasure and the power of tomorrow when we are building up our own being.
When we are building our being from being a bad person we must change and start it with our selves.As we observe our own place we need Change.Change in our Government,to our community,to our family,and to our self of course.In order to Change, we must be a role model in following simple rules or laws.Let us help Each other to build our dream.
Let us build a community according to the teaching,law, and will of God

♥♥♥ kAnNawiDAn ♥♥♥

Kannawidan:Ylocos Festival is celebrated to commemorate the foundation of Ilocos Sur as a province.The foundation day of Ilocos Sur as a province was in 1818.
This year it is the 4th Kannawidan Festival.It's Start on January 31-February 6, a week-long Festival.This Festival was started by a Con-celebrated Mass at the Vigan Metropolitan cathedral.This festival highlighted the traditional dance,food,games,marching band competition,Miss Saniata ti Ilocos Sur,etc.This festival is celebrated to preserve tho culture and traditions of Ilocos Sur.
Happy Kannawidan Festival!!!